Letter of Authorization – Instrumentation Seminar

June 30, 2005

Engr. Jose Fernando
Dean, College of Engineering
East Asia University

Dear Engr. Fernando:

In connection with the Techno “Instrumentation Seminar” which you will be attending as participant on July 12-15 in Tokyo, Japan, please prepare a comprehensive report.

I hope your participation in this seminar will be very fruitful.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Leonida Sanchez

Letter of Authorization

September 22, 2006

Engr. Rodolfo Diuco
Project Manager
Capitol Balanga City Authority
Balanga City, Bataan

Dear Engr. Diuco:

Due to the heavy traffic we have been experiencing here in Bataan should now be seriously addressed.  In this connection please prepare a feasibility study which will serve as basis for the establishment of Town Transportation Service Program.

In your report which will be submitted to the Secretary of Department of Public Works and Highways, please discuss the following points: causes, effects of traffic and preventive measures, as well as, other important information which you think should be included.

With your comprehensive feasibility study, it is expected that we will be in a much better position to make sound decisions concerning the immediate establishment of the program.

Sincerely yours,

Mayor Jose Garcia