Purchase and Construction Agreement Letter

April 27, 2008


Ronald D. Castro
Magsaysay Village
Marawi City

Dear Mr. Castro:

This letter is serves as our written agreement regarding the purchase of lot and house construction.  You agreed to purchase a parcel of lot located at Santis Subd with address of Blk 02, Lot 12 Santis Subd. Marawi City, from  JCMER Home Builder and two-storey house shall be built by JCMER Home Builder.

This Agreement is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • The Project is the a Two-Storey Residential Structure to be constructed by JCMER Home Builder  at Blk 02, Lot 12 Santis Subd. Marawi City. The total contract price will be Two Million Eight Hundred Pesos (Php2,800,000.00) including the purchase of lot and the two-storey residence.
  •  The BUILDER, JCMER Home Builder will take charge to the completion of the said project and shall likewise provide all the necessary materials, labors, tools and equipment needed for the construction. In addition, the BUILDER shall perform all such works in accordance with the approved plans and specification.
  • Additional construction such as modification or revision not covered by the construction plans and scope of work specified shall be subject to separate billings by the BUILDER• The work to be performed under this agreement shall commence from and after the receipt by the BUILDER of all approved construction permits and licenses required for the project, reservation fee, down payment and upon written approval by the OWNER.
  • The work shall be completed by the BUILDER before the final release of housing loan. Provided, however, that any delay of reason of force majeure of fortuitous event, or by reason of additional.
  • The PURCHASER,  Mr. Ronald D. Castro, agrees to pay a reservation fee of Fifty Thousand Pesos (Php50,000.00) upon signing of this agreement. Also,  the purchaser will pay a 25% of the total cost amounting to Five Hundred Sixty Pesos (Php560,0000.00) to be payable within six (6) months.  The reservation fee and the downpayment of 25% will be deducted to the total cost of the contract price.
  • The reservation fee and the 50% of the down payment amounting to two hundred eighty pesos (Php 280,000.00) is non refundable if the PURCHASER terminate this agreement.
    The PURCHASER  acknowledge that they have read and fully understand the provisions of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS, the BUILDER and PURCHASER have executed this Agreement.

Merecel L. Navarro
Project Consultant
JCMER Home Builder

Ronald D. Castro

Agreement and Acceptance Letter

Graduate Program Coordinator
Pilar State University

SUBJECT: Letter of Agreement/Acceptance

This Agreement, made entered into this 15 of June 2005 in Mariveles, Bataan, by between:

Mitsumi Philippines, a duly registered company under the Philippine laws with address at Zone 8, Mariveles, Bataan,  represented herein by Engr. Joseph R. Valenzuela hereafter referre as the “Adviser”.


Engr. Ricardo E. Matic, of legal age hereinafter referred as the “PRACTICUMER”

WHEREAS, the Adviser has allowed the “PRACTICUMER” to undergo his 480-hr practicum as a requirement for the degree Master of Engineering major in Mechanical Engineerin

WHEREAS, the “PRACTICUMER” has agreed to accept the terms and conditions hereinafter agree as follows:

  1. That the “ADVISER” shall monitor and guide the “PRACTICUMER” in his needs and studies.
  2. That upon the acceptance to the program the “PRACTICUMER” shall:
    a.    Sign the Property and Confidentiality Agreement
    b.    That the information he gained is solely for the purpose of ACADEMIC purpose.
    c.    That he able to protect the company information, the “PRACTICUMER” is only allowed to disclose information to his “PRACTICUM COOORDINATOR”, he is not allowed to disclose it with other person without prior written consent to his “ADVISER”.
    d.    That he is not allowed to access any information in the company without the authorization of his “ADVISER”.
    e.    That he is not allowed to discuss information or ask question to other groups or teams, he only allowed to discuss things to his “ADVISER”.
    f.    That, the “PRACTICUMER” shall advise that the “PRACTICUM COORDINATOR” shall only communicate to the “ADVISER” in an event of verification and other related inquiries.
  3.  That upon the completion of the program, any information or documents that the “PRACTICUMER” created will not represent the company and the adviser directly, AND those documents shall only use for ACADEMIC purposes.
  4. That the “ADVISER” has the prerogative to shorten or cancel the program based on company and “ADVISER” needs, priorities and or requirements.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have affixed their signature on the date and at place firs written above.


Mitsumi Philippines

