October 14, 2009
Authority to Debit
In connection with the loan account of SPS BERNARDO L. MANZANO and ALYLUZ S. MANZANO (the loan), we hereby authorize you to debit our SA/CA No. 01542147652 maintained at Bulacan Branch, for any and all amounts related/incidental to my/our loan, such as, but not limited to, the principal, interest, penalty, insurance premium, and other charges due thereon.
Any payments I/we make via auto debit shall be automatically reflected in my/our loan account statement.
I/we understand that this arrangement shall be automatically implemented by your system and to avoid any inconvenience on my/our part, I/we shall inform you in writing at least seven (7) banking days before my/our due date of the following:
1. Pretermination of the loan;
2. Change in my/our deposit account number;
3. Change in mode of payment; and
4. Any other changes that may affect this arrangement
This authority shall remain valid and irrevocable for as long as my/our loan, including the renewal, extension, or restructuring thereof, remains unpaid.